
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Start a Fundraiser

You want to build a Fundraiser?

Don’t hesitate and get started with your crowdfunding campaign today!

Our organization is a platform where volunteers and donors get connected. If you have a venture or campaign you want to get started, our platform is the perfect place you can set it up. It is very easy and simple to get started on our platform.

Act of Goodwill, Inc. is a simple organization aiming towards building an empowered community where everyone supports one another in times of dire need. With that, we have created a crowdfunding campaign that allows us to unleash the community’s power, one capable of supporting the different stakeholders of the community. With crowdfunding, we can fund a venture or campaign under our organization by raising many little amounts of money.

You can also join us and make your crowdfunding campaign and support you throughout the process.


1) Create your Campaign:

Fill out necessary information, tell purpose and how will it benefit the community

2) Evaluation:

BOD will review & evaluate the purpose to which this venture will serve.

3) Develop Strategy:

Our dedicated campaign advisor help you in every step of the way, share some strategies for your success

4) Launch Campaign:

Launching your campaign and start raising money towards achieving your goals.

5) We support you:

We support you in your whole journey of making a difference in people's lives and in the world.